Valentine’s Day- Love and Gifts for All!

For some its much-awaited, while for others much-dreaded. What was once a truly festive and remarkable ritual is now a stereotyped competition of many a dozen pompous love shouts (If you don’t say it, you don’t mean it!), hefty dents on wallets and a hoteliers seasons to capitalize on others’ love-stories.

I never truly understood the hype of this holiday turned in to a huge marketing mixer for brands while subjugating those who were single to hopelessness and comfort food.


Don’t get me wrong, I am a big Valentines-Day fan. I didn’t join the popular parade now because I have a Valentine; but the unexpressive-ME has always taken this day to muster my courage and shower everyone I love with expressive words, flowers, gifts or hugs(whatever is affordable;)). I choose to do it on Valentines Day since it becomes a genuine sound platform for me to tell my family, friends and loved ones, how special and amazing they are to me, and how much I love them, which I often ignore to do so in the rut of life.

Vega gold Clutch

This Valentine’s Day, let’s gift our loved ones with precious style. And no it does not have to be your romantic intimate someone only. Yes, it could be your girlfriend, your date, your wife but it could also be your mother, your sister, your friends or your aunts and grandmothers. They deserve to feel loved and cherished! If you are having a sinking feeling or forcing yourself to snag a date for Valentines, contrary to what your social circle implies about being single, you don’t have to fall for the hyped drama if you don’t want to! Do not give it importance that as of the prom where its critical for you popularity profile for you to have a date. Your smile and confidence is what makes or breaks your personal profile. And I don’t say this as a feel-good statement, but as most men would agree, confidence in women can be pretty powerful, more so than the right makeup!

For those who are single, enjoy it, guys are a handful anyway! You’ll realize it when you are married to one!

A. Appreciate yourself and your Singledom. High probability- it won’t last forever!

You don’t need someone special, you have you– and that’s plenty special to celebrate!

B. Just like the Superbowl game, Halloween- this is yet another chaotic marketing monster. However, this monster is huggable! Give it a warm embrace and make it a day well spent being happy, positive, counting your blessings, being grateful for all the loving people in your life, and sincerely appreciating their presence. Treat yourself with a massage, pedicure or a gift if you want to, but the last thing you should do is sulk for being single!